Quality Aging Logo

April Fool's DayApril 1

International Children's Book Day April 2

National Tartan Day (CA)April 6

International Sport's Day April 6

Daylight Savings Ends (AU) April 6

Int. Day of Human Space FlightApril 12

PassoverApril 12

Thomas Jefferson's BirthdayApril 13

Palm Sunday April 13

The Unsinkable TitanicApril 15

Emancipation Day (USA)April 16

Maundy ThursdayApril 17

EasterApril 20

Orthodox EasterApril 20

Remembering Barry HumphriesApril 22

Earth DayApril 22

Shakespeare DayApril 23

St George’s Day (UK)April 23

World Book Day April 23

Yom HaShoahApril 23

ANZAC DayApril 25

Arbor Day (USA)April 25

Koningsdag – Netherlands HolidayApril 27

International Jazz DayApril 30

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