Let me first tell you that these standards are NOT part of your accreditation assessments, however it is something to be aware of, as one day they maybe.
The Rainbow Tick consists of six standards against which services can be formally accredited to demonstrate LGBTI inclusive practice and service delivery. Services can include the six standards as part of their cycle of service accreditation or can apply to do the Rainbow Tick as a stand-alone assessment subject to ongoing reassessment and quality review. Services that receive The Rainbow Tick will have the opportunity to be listed in a national register of LGBTI accredited organisations.
The Rainbow tick is a world first and was developed by GLHV in consultation with Quality Innovation Performance (QIP).
The six standards
Services are assessed against six standards:
1. Organisational capability
2. Workforce development
3. Consumer participation
4. A welcoming and accessible organisation
5. Disclosure and documentation
6. Culturally safe and acceptable services
GLHV is currently working with QIP and partner LGBTI organisations in other states and territories to publicise the Rainbow Tick nationally and to assist organisations in preparing for LGBTI-inclusive service accreditation.
More information and tools can be found at their website
The Rainbow Tick guide to LGBTI – inclusive practice
2020 LGBTI and Dementia
LGBTI-inclusive risk management_providing cultural safety